Sunday, November 9, 2014

30 Days: Thoughts of a Future Farmer Day 9

"If your dreams don't scare you, then they're probably not big enough!"

As this Agriculture Future of America Leaders Conference winds down and adjourns this morning, I wanted to use the above quote.  I feel that this quote is one of the most true statements that I've ever been told. 

Think about it, "If your dreams don't scare you," what is(are) your dream(s)?  I know that as excited as I am for every day of my future, I'm utterly terrified.  I want to do about a million things, they all are expensive and monstrous things to accomplish, and I feel like I'm being delayed because I'm in college.  However, according to my friend, I've prepared my life plan well.  "College is different for you.  It's like, just add water and go!"  Give me fifteen years and we will see! 

I've always been a believer that we make our future, our destiny, and our misery.  To quote Orion Samuelson, "You should get up in the morning and say, 'Good morning, God,' not 'Good God, it's morning'."  We make these choices.  How are you going to spend today?  What are you going to do to Activate our Potential? 

I've gotten the chance to spend this conference again with a lot of wonderful people.  They're future leaders of the world and just don't know it yet. 

The Purdue 2014 AFA Sophomore Delegates

My takeaway on a Sunday morning: 
1. Do what you love.
2. Love what you do.
3. If you don't - do something else.
4. You can't dream big enough.
5. Take the bull by the horns and tell him who's boss. (that's actually figurative about life - I don't advocate tangling with bulls unless experienced.)
6. Make every day count - we only get one life.

Please reach out to me on other forms of social media!
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Linking up with Holly and the other 30 Days Bloggers Here!

 It's great to have friends who share your interests, passions, and genuine desire for a brighter future.

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