Hello readers!
My name is Samuel Ebenkamp, a freshman student at Purdue University majoring in Agricultural Economics, Farm Management. Through this series, I intend to share with everyone a little bit of how life looks from the eyes of this young future farmer!
The idea of "30 Days" came from a well-known blogger, Holly Spangler (Check out her blog, My Generation). This series of blogs allows people from all facets of agriculture the chance to challenge themselves to writing daily (which will be a challenge in itself), and to use our knowledge, thoughts, and personal experiences to teach others about our own lives - however diverse they may be - and how agriculture is helping to write our story.
I have a list of topics on which I plan on writing. These vary greatly and include topics such as my work on the farm, the future, college, ag in America, how students can prepare for a future in agriculture, and many other topics. Life Through the Eyes of a Future Farmer is the title I decided to use for this series. I feel that it is very fitting, seeing as I am an aspiring future farmer, as well as someone who feels a need to share the good news about agriculture with all of his friends, family members, and other acquaintances.
We in agriculture see life a little differently, and I want to share this view with all of you. I hope you enjoy this blog series!
Samuel Ebenkamp
Future Farmer